We know that good IT MANAGEMENT means good business.

What is Managed Services Model?

The managed services model is a type of business relationship in which a service provider takes on responsibility for the management and maintenance of a customer’s IT infrastructure and end-user systems. The managed service provider manages these systems remotely, using a combination of on-site and off-site staff. A managed IT service can be very in-depth or use a very light touch, depending on the organization’s needs.

Why are organizations increasingly using MSPs?

For most organizations, the technologies involved have become too advanced – and the threats too credible – to continue operating in-house. Every managed IT service provider will provide a different array of services, but they still have some core support services in common.

Here are some of the major benefits of an MSP.

1. Scalability

One of the biggest benefits of using an MSP is that it allows your organization to scale its IT infrastructure and services up or down as needed. This scalability is made possible by the MSP’s remote management capabilities, which allow the provider to quickly add or remove resources from your environment as your business grows or changes.

2. Predictability

Another big benefit of managed services is predictability. When you outsource the management of your IT infrastructure to an MSP, you can budget for your IT costs more accurately. This is because MSPs typically charge a fixed monthly fee for their services rather than charging by the hour or project. As a result, you can better forecast your expenses and the services provided.

3. Less downtime

Another big advantage of using an MSP is that it can help to reduce downtime. By proactively monitoring your systems and implementing best practices for maintenance and security, MSPs can help to ensure that your systems are always up and running. In addition, MSPs will often have teams of engineers on call to address any issues that do arise.

4. Increased productivity

When your IT systems are running smoothly, your employees can be more productive. MSPs can help to increase productivity by keeping systems up-to-date and ensuring that they are properly configured. In addition, MSPs can provide training and support to end users to help them get the most out of your systems.

5. Improved security

Another big benefit of managed services is improved security. MSPs can help to secure your systems by implementing best practices for security, patch management and incident response. In addition, MSPs can provide 24/7 monitoring of your systems to quickly identify and respond to any potential threats. Most internal teams just don’t have the time necessary to keep current on existing threats – but an MSP will.

6. Lower overall costs

While MSPs do charge a monthly fee for their services, the overall cost of using an MSP is often lower than managing your IT infrastructure in-house. This is because MSPs can provide economies of scale and often have access to resources that would be too expensive for most organizations to purchase on their own. In addition, by outsourcing the management of your IT infrastructure, you can free up internal resources to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Of course, this also depends on the MSP’s pricing model. Not every managed security service will be more affordable – and that’s why it’s important to make a comparison between managed IT service providers, their service level agreements and their costs.

7. Access to expert knowledge

When you partner with an MSP, you gain access to a team of experts who can provide advice and guidance on a wide range of IT issues. This expert knowledge can be extremely valuable, especially if you don’t have an in-house IT team.

8. Easier, faster technology adoption

One of the benefits of using an MSP is that it can make it easier and faster to adopt new technologies. This is because MSPs can manage the implementation and integration of new technologies into your environment. As a result, you can focus on running your business rather than worry about whether or not your systems are up to date.

9. Peace of mind

Finally, one of the biggest benefits of using an MSP is peace of mind. When you outsource the management of your IT infrastructure to an MSP, you can focus on running your business, safe in the knowledge that your IT systems are in good hands.

Conclusion: the benefits of IT managed services

Are you ready to explore the major benefits of IT managed services?

For many organizations, engaging with an MSP under a services model just makes sense. You don’t need to throw your internal IT resources at routine or mundane tasks – and you have a wealth of knowledge and expertise available to help support your business.

At Red River, we provide complete managed services that can be customized to your organization’s size, industry and service-level needs. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help.